This was my contribution. I made four large 22" blocks and put them together. My husband says it doesn't look like a baby quilt. Sigh. I like it anyway.
I used a gray with variagated yellow dots for the backing. I meant to make it the right size for a full, unpieced backing but of course I got carried away making the front so it is a little bigger. So I pieced it. And I like it. I should just assume I will piece the back. I seem to do it every time. And Sometimes I end up liking the back more than the front!

Linking up to
Every once in a while, I think: I know! I'll do a big circle with my quilting! I love how that looks!
Then, I start and I remember that I hate doing it!! I do the middle with the FMQ and that works great. Then I switch to my walking foot as the circles get bigger and that is where I start thinking I made a big mistake. It is really hard to turn the corners smoothly! I end up with little places where it jogs over a bit. I just want it to look smooth. And I do realize that most people won't notice it. But it makes it less fun to do. Know what I mean?
I used a gray with variagated yellow dots for the backing. I meant to make it the right size for a full, unpieced backing but of course I got carried away making the front so it is a little bigger. So I pieced it. And I like it. I should just assume I will piece the back. I seem to do it every time. And Sometimes I end up liking the back more than the front!
I used many different grays for the binding.
So, these quilts will be on display in the Kennedy Kreiger Institute building starting October 1st. Then a little baby will get to keep this quilt and enjoy it!