Victoria from Bumblebeans and Fifteen Minutes of Play has organized a swap of 12 inch mini-quilts made from scraps. I had a lot of fun making mine (except for the part where I had to unquilt my free motion quilting because it was so jerky! More on that later.) I took pictures along the way to show you how I made my block.
I started by sewing random scraps together to make an 8” square. I cut a matching square from yellow solid fabric left from my rainbow quilt.
I sewed the two squares together right sides together around all four sides and then cut along both diagonals.
I ended up with four half-square triangles.
I played with them in a few different configurations.

I liked the pinwheel the best so I sewed them together.
Next, I needed borders. I looked at the colors in my made fabric and decided to go with the turquoise colors. I found more scraps to sew into borders and attached them to all four sides.
The back of the little mini-quilt could easily have been one piece of fabric but what fun is that? So I sewed another scrap fabric and it looked like a little house to me, so I made some scrappy sky to go with it.

Then came the quilting. I love the look of spiral quilting! I tried it with the walking foot and it was very difficult to do the center of the quilt. So I ripped it out and tried again with the free motion foot. The center was definitely better but the outer circles were very choppy. So, after some debate, I decided to rip out most of the spiral and leave the center intact. Then I used the walking foot to finish the larger part of the spiral. This was much smoother (although I can’t imagine doing it on a larger quilt!). I love the texture.
I used some of my trusty black dot binding to finish it off. I sewed it on by machine and then finished the back by hand. I am very happy with it now. It isn’t due for another three or four weeks so I have some time to get some other goodies together. I can’t wait to see the rest of the mini-quilts! Click over to the
Flickr group to see who has posted so far.