I chose a painting by Matisse found here. I had it all planned out in my mind (several times!) and eventually started putting my ideas to work on the fabric. I kept the picture close by and referred to it often. I was most attracted by the hard boiled eggs! I started with the white and yellow and made several before adding the table around them.
When I finished the piecing, I wasn't thrilled. It did not resemble the image I had in my mind. But I couldn't figure out what to do differently so I sandwiched it and started quilting.
I was pleasantly surprised! I liked it much more after I quilted it! It added a spark and made it look a little less flat. In this swap, the person I sent my quilt also sent one to me.
The awesome Kathy French was my swap partner. She also chose a Matisse painting. She was on vacation in Maine and sewed the whole thing by hand! She wrote a post on the 15 Minutes of Play blog about her process. Isn't it great? The handquilting is awesome. I really love it and need to find a special place to display it.

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