My son moved out (again) this weekend. I threw the rest of his things (that he left behind) into the closet and slammed the door! I vacuumed, moved some furniture, and stapled some batting to the wall for my new design wall!
Most of my quilting stuff was in our dining room. Every time we wanted to use the dining room table, I had to clear off the iron, sewing machine, cutting mat, etc. Now it is sitting pretty!
My granddaughter is almost 18 months old and she is into everything! This way, all the sharp and pointy things can be behind a closed door.
I shoved the desk and dresser together to make a big table. I moved another table into the room. I feel like I need an new ironing board and maybe another shelf.
Here is my new sewing machine! I have only had it for a few weeks. It is a Elna and so far I am loving it.
This is part of my stash. Doesn't it look pretty? I have wrapped the fabric around comic book boards. I love being able to see all the beautiful fabric! (Confession: I have more in other closets...some dating back 25 years. I am a fabric collector, I guess. Does it gain in value? )
My fatquarters are sorted by color and stashed in these plastic containers. Not sure how but I would like them to be more accessible and attractive.
I stapled these mini quilts on the wall!! It works! We'll see how long they stay up!
I sewed in there today. No TV but I brought up the laptop and watched Hulu. Fun! Now I have some hand-sewing to finish up a few projects.

I am linking up to Someday Crafts and