This is how far I have gotten with my scrappy trip blocks. I started them during a workshop that I helped teach a few weeks ago. I manage to get two or three done at a time (although several are in progress).
I think it is amazing how different they all look. Some look very scrappy, some look more planned. Mine seems to be pretty intense in color (probably because those are the fabrics I had with me at the time and I just kept with similar fabrics once I got home).
If you haven't seen an overload of these blocks, you can check them out on Flickr or Instagram. The original tutorial is by Bonnie Hunter on her Quiltville blog. You know, in case you have a few scraps around and you feel the need to sew a block or two.
It was snowy and cold all weekend. Now it is near 70. Weatherman is predicting snowy and cold for next weekend. Sounds like good sewing weather to me!
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